Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Direction of Blog

I have a 700 dollar elephant on my computer, named Photoshop CS4. It is a wonderful program for those of us who want to be creative, but can't draw. My aim is to learn how to use this program to its fullest. Some of my blog entries will be Photoshop centric, others will just be photos. I do use Camera RAW for all my photos, so I do use Photoshop for all of my photos, although my husband shoots in JPEG, so if you see a photo with his name on the bottom, that is straight from the camera.

I think I will stick with Open Salon for writing. I do have a blog there, but have not started it yet. I am in love with my KINDLE and haven't had the time for blogging.

Back to photography. I belong to NAPP, or the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. I joined it two years ago, to take advantage of its discounts, and for the online tutorials which are both video and text. I like the video, because I can see what the creator is doing.

Today I learned about Smart Filters and making a creative blur. See if you like it.... The left one is before, the right one is after. I also cropped, fixed the white balance, removed spots (this was from a film photo, scanned), and did a little dental work. Any thoughts? (also, can anyone help me with moving photos around and putting words under them?? This is driving me nutss)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your learning Photoshop. It looks like you are definitely on the right track. Your editing is great. PS is a powerful tool. I have yet to unlock all of its secrets!

    Julie Magers Soulen Photography
    Blog of Note
